It’s About Survival


John D’Aloia Jr.

      John D’Aloia Jr. is a retired navy captain and a submarine commander. He is a columnist for several newspapers in Kansas.

      Between you, me, and the lamppost, my restraint and willingness to give the benefit of the doubt is wearing thin with those in our government and our media who are interested only in personal political power, who ignore the nature of the war thrust upon us, who place their own interests above our country’s interests, above the survival of our culture and our society. We are engaged with an enemy who has one over-riding goal—the elimination of Western civilization and the eradication of Christianity, an enemy that cares not what death and destruction it brings about and cannot be negotiated with, appeased, or bought off. It didn’t work on the shores of Tripoli, it is not going to work with the Jihadistanis.

      It is sorrowful enough that professed Catholic John Kerry’s actions have brought scandal to the Church; he compounds the load on his soul by publicly cultivating an environment that gives our sworn enemies aid and comfort and enhances the efforts to subordinate our sovereignty to international organizations run by people of the same ilk, freedom haters of whatever “-ism” you care to place upon them. For a fleeting moment of power, he would sell out our independence, our liberty, and yes, even our religious beliefs.

      Normally I would agree with the adage “follow the money” in evaluating the claims of scandal and evil doing—but not this time, not this issue. All the hoopla on oil as the rationale for the war is just a red herring. (A justifiable application of the follow-the-money advice would be the rake-off the U.N. clerks and foreign leaders were getting from Saddam under the oil-for-food program, as they enabled him to build his Swiss bank accounts at the expense of his people.) The war is about survival. We do not need the train of oil tankers from the Mideast. We have within our nation the capability to become independent, in a decade, of the sheiks and other potentates that rule the region; we have the technology, science, and know-how in hand to use the power locked up in the physics of the atom. We must find the will and backbone to bundle up all the Luddites and eco-extremists, dethrone and crate up their pantheistic gods, and then ship the entire kit-and-caboodle off to some nether-nether land where they can regulate themselves as much as they like. Antarctica comes to mind—we might then find out if they are really as anti-energy as they claim.

      The domestic war forced upon us by the eco-extremists, taking place inside the beltway and in every state capital, is just as dangerous to our country’s future as are the attacks by foreign terrorists. Under the cover of the war on terrorism, those who leech their living off the producers in the country, including all too many elected representatives, are making war on private property and the nation’s economy. They are continuing their attempts to obtain federal power to enhance their efforts. They are willing to divert your tax dollars from the struggle to defend our nation, from the efforts to exterminate those who would exterminate us, and shift it into their own coffers. And like the dogged socialists they are, they do not accept defeat—they are willing to gnaw away at your freedom, knowing that each little victory paves the way for the next one until one day the country wakes up to find that government owns every bit of land, that private property is a historical footnote, and The Guardians are making life and death decisions over every citizen’s existence.

      Prayers are much in order for our country, our leaders, our servicemen, and for an electorate that, come November, understands what is really at stake.    

“Your money does not cause my poverty. Refusal to believe this is at the bottom of most bad economic thinking.” —P. J. O’Rourke



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