Under God
true fortitude of the sage places honor not in glory but in conduct,
and aspires to be first in deed rather than in name. --Marcus Cicero
We have those
who would remove the Ten Commandments from public places, deny the use
of prayer in public schools, pressure us to remove “In God We
Trust” from our coins, and delete from the pledge of allegiance
“Under God.” The movements deny a large, and some would say, the
most important part of our heritage and would usher in chaos. If God
is not supreme, who is?
A few years ago my dentist asked me to officiate at his wedding. I
was glad to do so even when he told me he was an atheist. As a matter
of fact I was pleased and flattered. He felt he could be honest. My
comment was that discussion of God had to begin with understanding
what we mean by the word.
God is that than which there is no greater, and the definition we
give of God is determined by what we consider to be the greatest. For
many people, money is that than which there is no greater. For some,
God is defined by sex, or power, or business, or golf. Nobler objects
of worship are families, help to those in need, scholarship. People do
not lack a belief in God. Their definition of God is inadequate.
No society has been without a belief in God, but they have had
trouble defining what they mean by the word. The most common
definition says God is that which created the world. The simplest
societies defined God in this way and are referred to as animists. It
is easy to define God as the creator because creation is an enormous
fact to which we must be obedient. The problem with this definition is
that the world is a splendid beast but is not the heavenly father we
want God to be—our help in trouble, that which claims our souls for
God has been defined historically in two ways: in terms of natural
law and as an inner response of the soul.
Theories of natural law come to us from the writings of Rome and
Greece and Jewish and Christian teaching. There is a law common to all
men, in conformity with nature, which commends what is good and
condemns what is bad. Men deviate from what they know is good, but
they know they deviate. In our pornographic society, when television
and print are committed to vulgarity, all but beasts know there is a
dignity that is lost. In response to present evil, there are those who
condemn vulgarity and call for holiness. They respond to a natural law
written in the human heart to which all pay homage, Asian, European,
African. This natural law is universal and immutable.
In our European tradition, the natural law is detailed in the Ten
Commandments: “Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit adultery.
Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not commit false witness.” These
truths are acknowledged in all societies save the brutish and
unstable. Jesus of Nazareth was crucified because he detested and
rebelled against hypocrisy and because he taught goodness with
simplicity and gave practical illustrations. His world rejected
decency and is condemned for all time. He proved there is a
distinction between good and evil.
I suppose there are writers who believe we can survive
without values, but they must be mad. The best writers call us to God.
They may not use that word, but that is what they mean and what we
need if they and we are to preserve our reason.
Some years ago I saw a television program that portrayed a lovely
lady who lived on some island in the Pacific. You could tell from her
face she was saintly because she radiated something special, different
from Hollywood glamour. Her life was committed to God’s will and the
doing of what was right. Who was the God this innocent person
worshipped? He was the immense rock in the sand, just feet away from
the ocean. She prayed to this rock, asked for guidance, and obeyed the
instructions that came to her.
She was an ignorant fool? No. In her simplicity the rock was an
instrument for righteousness, a vehicle to godliness to which she was
obedient. We need such a rock, and so does the United States. If we do
not, we shall fall into chaos.
“The real measure of your wealth is how much
you’d be worth if you lost all your money.” –Bernard Meltzer
The quotes following each article have been gathered by The Federalist
Patriot at: http://FederalistPatriot.US/services.asp.