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Saturday, 05 December 2015 05:08


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The following is a summary of the June 2012 issue of The St. Croix Review.

In "Saul Alinsky - Premier Community Organizer," Barry MacDonald describes the principles and actions of America's most powerful Leftist revolutionary.

In "Ideas Have Consequences," John Ingraham responds to an article by Herbert London about exorbitant college tuitions and diminished curriculums.

Mark W. Hendrickson, in "Yo-Yo Economics?" explains how Obama's view of a "we'll always take care of you" economy will lead to misery; in "The GOP: A Party in Flux," he shows how the Tea Party has been dominant in the primaries, but GOP establishment remains formidable in Washington; in "Reflections on the French Election," he says the newly elected, socialist President's economic platform cannot work, and sadly, people believe in fairy tales; in "The Tax Rate Scandal," he reveals how capital benefits wage earners, and how both parties are unwilling to face the dire consequences of out-of-control spending - the real scandal; in Economics: The Cheerful Science," he shows how economics points the way to prosperity, if only we can get politicians out of the way.

Herbert London, in "When Choice Justifies Murder," considers the implications of a new proposal "after birth abortion"; in "The New Defense Posture for America," he considers the implications of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's testimony before Congress: Congress' war powers authority is irrelevant the U.S. needs the approval of the UN to go to war; in "The Chinese Strategic Vision," he considers the implications of massive Chinese investment in Latin America and Africa; in "From Religious Fragmentation to National Unity," he writes that people who want to take God out the Pledge of Allegiance "eviscerate" our national heritage.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Demagoguery and the Trayvon Martin Case: Denying Dramatic Progress in Race Relations" sees the rush to condemn George Zimmerman and discerns self-interested motives and inability to accept that conditions have improved; in "Serious Thought Should Be Given to Unintended Consequences of War with Iran" he presents arguments against a pre-emptive strike; in "Efforts Grow to Restore Private Property Rights" he writes about successes in the battle to keep government from seizing private property without just cause; in "Understanding the Reasons for America's Growing Class Divide" he writes that the loss of blue collar jobs for less educated males and the breakdown of marriage account for a grim economic outlook for poor Americans; in "Students Are Not Learning What They Need to Compete in Today's Economy" he cites many studies that show American universities are producing too few graduates up to standards American employers require.

In "On Hope and Hate: Week One of Obama vs. Romney," Paul Kengor cites polls showing that team Obama's first use of class warfare backfired; in "Obama, the Russians, and Missile Defense: Historical Parallels," he shows how Obama's eagerness to abandon missile defense and mollify Vladimir Putin harkens to past betrayals; in "On Ozzie Guillen, Fidel Castro, and Baseball in Cuba," he repeats the foolish comments made by the manager of the Florida Marlins, and Fidel Castro's monstrous crimes.

Jigs Gardner, in "Versed in Country Things - Spring and Summer," relates the new chores of spring (plowing and planting), describes neighbors impossible to find anywhere else, and depicts a very odd, left-wing boarder.

In "A Novelist of Manners," Jigs Gardner writes about the short stories and novels of Edith Wharton, who portrayed the upper-class society of New York some decades after the Civil War.

In "Survey of Conservative Magazines: Books and Book Reviews," Fayette Durlin and Peter Jenkin write on Charles Murray's book Coming Apart, a book on the Civil War, an article on "after-birth abortion," and more.

In "Americans at Work Series: Horticulturist," Nellie Call describes how she came to know everything possible about farming, and producing flowers for sale.

Cornelia Wynne relates the life and times of Bertha Marshall, along with her recipe for fricassee chicken and biscuits, in "The American Pantry."

Read 4222 times Last modified on Saturday, 05 December 2015 11:08
The St. Croix Review

The St. Croix Review speaks for middle America, and brings you essays from patriotic Americans.
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