William Adair Bonner

William Adair Bonner

The Culture War:

Have We Entered a New Phase?

William Adair Bonner

William Adair Bonner, Esquire, practices law in suburban Philadelphia. He is an Allied Attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom, and he is former Northeastern Regional Director for The Rutherford Institute. He hosts a weekly radio program entitled “It’s Your Law, Legal Intelligence for Civic Engagement,” on WVCH 740 on the AM dial.

America is beset by ideological agendas and controversies that make the former political fighting between Democrats and Republicans seem tame in comparison. Understanding politics today requires far greater study and investigation than in the past decades, and also requires a willingness to evaluate matters, events, and agendas that have never been so complex and challenging to grasp. This is because old certainties, and established and customary principles of our democratic republic, are so severely undermined.

Professor James Davison Hunter, in his 1991 book Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America, described life in the early ’90s in terms of “political and social hostility rooted in different systems of moral understanding.” He raised our consciousness to the fact that the centuries-old acceptance of moral truth as universal, permanent, and divinely revealed was challenged by liberal and progressive ideologies which were evolutionary and contextualized in secular society. After the Vietnam War, generations of old truths about the character and nature of America came under intensifying attack, accompanied by assaults from different segments of society. that attempted to capture political power.

Since American liberalism and progressivism is, according to many scholars, intellectually exhausted from a lack of sound academic and economic foundations, many have raised the question whether these political agendas will now implode, or whether they will radicalize. It would appear presently that radicalization is predominant.

The “Great Reset” is a concept originating with Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, which meets in Davos, Switzerland. The Forum’s website declares: “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

The aims of American liberalism and progressivism are in a late phase of development. Many of the Democrats social agendas were enacted in the crisis of the economic disaster of the 1930s. In a time of mass unemployment, modern liberalism responded by throwing-much needed money into the hands of citizens through employment in public works projects. The problem is that these giveaways have never ceased. They have grown larger and larger, and a huge portion of the government’s budget is based on entitlement spending, and requires the continuing expansion of the public debt. Making new law provides the ultimate end-game solution, since Congress is able to enact annual legislation permitting the raising of the debt limit. While the country might not collapse, both present and future citizens must inevitably become captives enslaved to the tax system.

The political term “The Great Reset,” the theme of the World Economic Form meeting in June 2020 in Davos, Switzerland, is a deceptive label applied to the reality that the same old liberal policies are finally hitting the wall and, in coded terms, something must be done to protect the global system and the wealth of those qualified to gain entrance to the annual meetings in Davos. You will hear reference to ESG metrics (meaning “environmental, social, governance” metrics) in the media, but their implementation will be profoundly more difficult in America than in many of our competitors like China and India. According to Justin Haskins, Editorial Director and Research Fellow at the Heartland Institute, author of Socialism is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx’s Radical Dream:

The framework of the plan is clear: by combining many of the money-printing strategies endorsed by Modern Monetary Theory economists with global Green New Deal-like policies and corporate cronyism, the elites at the World Economic Forum can effectively control economic activity on a scale that has never been achieved.”

The extraordinary hatred of President Trump expressed in the media has actually been in response to his America First policy, which stood firmly against the political agenda for global governance through economic controls.

We have yet to see whether President Biden’s proposed $4 billion income tax increase will create massive political backlash during the next midterm elections, or whether federalization of election law under HR-1 will gut two-party competition. As President Biden stated at his first press conference on March 25, “I have no idea if there will be a Republican Party. Do you?” One-party rule, so dominant globally, would be the ultimate outcome of the acquiescence of Americans to cultural Marxism in America.

The role of the law in carrying out this new politics is central. The rule of law in previous generations was rooted in experience, precedent, and gradual change in response to the will of the people expressed in their voting results. However, the election of 2020 has produced alarming evidence that causes countless highly trained security experts to cast profound doubt upon the integrity of the voting process. An essential failure of the 2020 election was the refusal of the judiciary to hear arguments on the evidence, as they disclaimed responsibility under a longstanding practice of seeking to avoid adjudicating political questions.

There are new economic and political pressures. Environmentalism focuses on American sacrifice, but demands little from the world’s greatest polluters, and it is promoted by the educators. At the same time, Marxist, Critical Race Theory inaccurately addresses how to strengthen race relations and effectively solve the disparities of income and opportunity in our society. Many leftists now admire billionaires with previously unimagined concentrations of wealth because their money supports the Left’s attainment of political power.

The most destructive agenda to the fabric of society is, however, the blatant effort to define a segment of society as having acquired “enlightenment” or clear understanding about all the complex issues besetting our lives today. These high priests of understanding are those who are “Woke.” Mere virtue signaling is not enough for its adherents. Contrary to Christian sanctification, “Woke” theology actually preaches hostility to those who are not claiming or accepting the Woke’s views of political matters.

According to the March 31, 2021, edition of The Epoch Times, there is pending legislation amounting to $6 billion where the new rule of law will “supercharge civics education” with Woke-friendly curriculum to provide revisionist history and civics from the perspective of the dominant agendas of the current federal government.

When talking about the rule of law in 2021, it is difficult not to be alarmed that America has, with the election of 2020, entered into an entirely new phase of its legal history. The processes of the judicial system are slow-moving and driven by technical decisions, while at the same time today the legislative branch appears crippled by gridlock and by an absence of statesmanship. Government by executive order at the federal and state level appears to have rushed in to fill a power vacuum left by the other branches. Executive orders create expansive new areas of total chaos. For example, the current illegal migration of massive numbers of people into the United States creates immediate social problems for which we have made no preparation.

The February edition of Imprimis, published by Hillsdale College, contains an article by Senior Fellow Scott W. Atlas of the Hoover Institution, entitled “Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail?”

     Professor Atlas states:

“First, I have been shocked at the unprecedented exertion of power by the government since last March (2020) — issuing unilateral decrees ordering the closure of businesses, churches and schools, restricting personal movement, mandating behavior, and suspending indefinitely basic freedoms.”

   He proceeds:

“Second, I was and remain stunned — almost frightened — at the acquiescence of the American people to such destructive, arbitrary, and wholly unscientific rules, restrictions, and mandates.”

   While these two assertions from Professor Atlas may simply speak the obvious, the implication of bigger and greatly more empowered government rulings over a society with a largely passive citizenry is and should be considered “frightening,” as Dr. Atlas states. Contemporary censorship dressed up as “political correctness” and “cancel culture,” as well as antagonism to the expression of contrary opinions and open hostility to religious values, are the first and most profound impediments to a return to normalcy.

The overarching question is whether America’s rule of law will rebalance and return to its prior state or, alternatively, whether so much chaos and disorder has been imposed upon citizens that they will find it even more threatening to assert their civil rights in the exercise of individual freedom and liberty.

The answer does not lie simply in our relationship to government. Rather, in the brave new world of 2021, citizens are assaulted by political and ideological forces outside and inside government which enforce censorship, political correctness, cancel culture, conformity, and acquiescence to the most aggressive forces seeking to dominate society. [These intimidating forces include Cultural Marxism and Marxist Critical Race Theory; Anti-Americanism; the drive for one-party national rule; and for global governance, socialism, open hostility to academic freedom, and unabashed hostility to religious values and the traditional family.

My earliest awakening to what has now become the American legal- and social-culture war was upon my discovery of the book by psychiatrist Carl Menninger entitled Whatever Became of Sin? This classic book, published in 1973, documented how the reference to and consideration of sin was passing out of our very language. The developing social sciences were providing a social-science explanation for behavior, concurrently suppressing any reference to the role of theology in guiding our personal conduct. Many forces participate in taking Americans off course as a religious people.

We must accurately understand our enemies’ goals and methods. We should also observe that those they seek to influence and educate are simply misinformed or deceived. Engagement with society, or with our families, will present significant challenges and risks. It remains our responsibility to act, be necessarily informed, and prepared to speak the truth with love.

Responses are welcome at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   *

Wednesday, 18 September 2019 13:58



William Adair Bonner

William Adair Bonner, Esquire, practices law in suburban Philadelphia. He is an Allied Attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom and former Northeastern Regional Director for The Rutherford Institute. He hosts a weekly radio program entitled “It’s Your Law.”

This year has been a very complex and in some ways, disruptive one, for those Americans who identify as Socialists. It has also been a year when those who are not members of Socialist political organizations have encountered struggles to understand Socialism and, and according to various polls, a period when many have been politically seduced into considering that a transition to full Socialism may be the best course for the future of America.

This trend is particularly alarming, as Socialism and Marxism have had a particularly entwined relationship ideologically, and have together aggressively challenged our capitalist economy. Additionally, both ideologies have capitalized on the theory of Karl Marx that society is simply infused with class struggle, although ultimately the workers or so-called proletariat will revolt to bring about a Communist state.

A Communist state has not appeared in America, and therefore to address this large flaw in Marxist theory, an adjustment was conceived by Marxist philosophers such as Antonio Gramsci, who proposed that, given the lure of prosperity which would dissuade workers from revolt, Marxism needed to progressively control the institutions of culture instead. That agenda has been exceedingly successful in the field of education. Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto is one of the top two books of assigned reading in American higher education today. While the media attacks the president for alleged election involvement with Russia, American students are enticed to follow the Socialist and Marxist path. Another cause for alarm is the fact that Marxism has been historically atheist, and its impact on Socialism and Liberalism has only created a long-term alienation of political leadership from the reality of religious practice among American voters.

So what all has happened within Socialism during the eight months of 2019?

First, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) in the United States voted to dissolve in the spring. The excuse initially provided was that the leadership had fallen into conflict over its own failure to address an incident of sexual harassment in 2013. But, a later statement affirmed that the ISO’s dissolution “effectively removed an organizational barrier to the integration of its dominant faction into the political orbit of the Democratic Party.” The ISO had been founded in 1977 and had annually sponsored a conference, such as last year’s “Socialism2018.” Thereafter leadership of “Socialism2019” passed to the Democratic Socialists of America.

Second, and backtracking to 2016, Justice Democrats, a political action committee with a far-left agenda, had solicited nominations of persons to run for public office. A total of 79 individuals were endorsed, among them, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Seven of them won seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. These victories meant that the Congressional Progressive Caucus grew in size, and also the radical left membership grew in the Democratic Caucus.

Third, the sponsorship of the annual Socialism conference passed from the International Socialist Organization to the Democratic Socialists of America. An introductory paragraph to the conference brochure read: “In a moment of rising class struggle, resurgent social movements, and the growing appeal of socialism, The Socialism2019 Conference is an important gathering for today’s Left.” A subsequent paragraph described just a few of the offered panels, lectures, and workshops on the “fight against racism, how to win gender justice, radical working class struggle, current debates on the left, and More.” With a student ticket price of $55.00, a regular rate of $105.00, and a full conference rate of $250.00, this was obviously an event highly subsidized by major donors, given the location at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. This invitation to “Meet with comrades . . .” promised debates about the “hidden history of working-class and socialist struggles” as well as a “commit[ment] to fighting injustice and oppression and building a socialist future.” The conference sponsors had an obvious sense of history, as they addressed “Haymarket,” of 1886 radical labor riot fame in Chicago (www.haymarketbooks. org), Jacobin, a publication appropriating a party central to the French Revolution (https://www.jacobinmag.com), and the Democratic Socialists of America (https://www.dsausa.org).

Socialism today is hardly the new political kid on the block, and its terminology and ideology, especially relating to “class struggle,” clearly harks back to the writings of a mere 30-year-old would-be economic and political philosopher. Karl Marx in 1848 published The Communist Manifesto, a book which Lenin, with incredible skill in the last six years of his life, utilized to found the Russian Communist Party and the Soviet Empire. Since the time of Marx repeatedly we can identify the courage of the young, especially enrolled students, in providing the front line solders in the so-called interminable “class struggles.”

Accompanying the headlines of youth in high profile circumstances risking their lives while facing the guns, and even tanks, in Tianamen Square, earlier adherents of the ideology of “class struggle” have advanced their agenda in very subtle ways. For example, I discovered on the internet a picture of the cover for the magazine The Cosmopolitan for November 1898, with an annual subscription cost of a mere one dollar. This publication, which focused on wholesome family-friendly articles, was founded in 1886, with the cover bearing the motto, “The World is my country and all Mankind are my countrymen.” It was replaced two years later by a new publisher with the famed words of Karl Marx, “From every man according to his ability, to every man according to his need.” By 1965, due to the success of the Marx’s social revolution, its focus had become women’s sexual liberation, or as the Democratic Socialists say, the “restructure (of) gender and cultural relationships to be more equitable.”

These Socialists proclaim “we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.”

In the late 19th century, fueling Marx’s war on religious belief was the so-called “Great Agnostic” Robert Ingersoll, who drew large great crowds around the country as he pursued his campaign against religious orthodoxy and the separation of church and state. To the extent he could not convince listeners that religion was mere superstition, he possessed a highly developed gift of opening minds to the role of science in superseding Biblical answers to the creation.

Following after the Great Agnostic Ingersoll, who died in 1899, came the Mr. Socialism, Norman Thomas, who ran for President in 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, and 1948. Lyndon Johnson referred to him as one of American’s “most eloquent speakers, finest writers, and most creative thinkers,” and George Meany in 1972 mused, “ If old Norman Thomas was only alive. . . .”

During the tumultuous Vietnam War era, Students for a Democratic Society not only rejected traditional liberalism but also became anti-capitalist. Radical students turned to socialism as the answer to the conflicts they perceived in society and they began an intellectual search for revolutionary strategies.

Concurrently, a group of four historians met in December 1964 and agreed to found an organization open to all Socialists, Communists, Trotskyites, and any other radical willing to pursue a revival of Socialism. They called their organization the Socialist Scholars Conference, and published in 1971 through Oxford University Press a volume of selected writings integrating Marxism and Socialism, entitled The Revival of American Socialism. After a hiatus, the Scholars group was revived in 1981 under the title The Democratic Socialists of America, which also continued its political agenda under the organizational title Left Forum, “to bring together organizers, intellectuals and the public from across the globe to share ideas for understanding and transforming the world.”

The titles of the Left Forum’s conferences provide some understanding of the group’s agenda. For example, the 2015 conference was entitled “No Justice, No Peace: Confronting the Crisis of Capitalism and Democracy.” In the year 2019, events listed include: “On the Road to Abolition: Archiving Resistance to the Carceral (Prison) State, Lessons on Liberation, Love and Justice, and How to Be an Antiracist.”

The subtitle of the Socialism2019 Conference “NO BORDERS * NO BOSSES NO * BINARIES,” should alert us to the radical character of an America which would cease to be a sovereign nation; an America in which capitalism is replaced by final control in the hands of Socialist political organizations; and an America which rejects the concept of humans being male or female, in favor of so-called “cis” humans without binary sexual identity. Socialism deserves your study, and also your subsequent political opposition. A political agenda founded in “class conflict” is merely an old and evil political trick to instill prejudice, division, hatred, and the destruction of social values which have stood the test of time.     *

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Thu Oct 19, 2023 @ 6:00PM - 08:00PM
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Thu Oct 13, 2022 @ 6:00PM - 08:00PM
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Thu Oct 13, 2022 @ 2:30PM - 05:00PM
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Thu Oct 14, 2021 @ 6:00PM - 08:00PM
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Thu Oct 14, 2021 @ 2:30PM - 05:00PM
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Thu Oct 22, 2020 @ 5:00PM - 08:00PM
St Croix Review Seminar
Thu Oct 22, 2020 @ 2:00PM - 04:30PM

Words of Wisdom