Monday, 14 July 2014 11:46

Mark Hendrickson

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Mark HendricksonMark Hendrickson has the exceptional ability to make economics easy to understand. He explains why the workings of the free-market are successful, and why the interventions of government through regulation, taxes, and currency manipulation always fail.

The proper view of economics is vital to the conservative cause. If a nation is to prosper there must be economic freedom and property rights. Mark Hendrickson brings unforgettable clarity to the need for sound economic principles.

He also writes movingly about his love of sports, American culture, American history, and his family.

Mark Hendrickson is Adjunct Professor of Economics at Grove City College, in Grove City, Pennsylvania. His latest book is Famous But Nameless: Lessons and Inspiration from the Bible's Anonymous Characters.

Read 6019 times Last modified on Sunday, 20 December 2015 23:47
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