Friday, 23 October 2015 16:17

Summary for April 2007

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The following is a summary of the April 2007, issue of the St. Croix Review:

Angus MacDonald in the editorial, "The Art of Governance" sees the elaborate ceremonies we devote to the funerals of presidents; he surveys the qualities of the presidential candidates; he notes the pivotal issues that are being discussed for the purpose of advantage--without serious attempts at solutions--by the candidates.

Herbert London, in "The Great Divide and the Bush Doctrine" sees how Shia and Sunni militants could be turned against each other, much to our benefit; in "Anti-Americanism on American T.V." he is disgusted while watching CNN in Japan an endless stream of critical reports on the U.S., with nothing positive offered; in "When Good Intentions Lead to Bad Results" he notes how an organization of scientists would have the U.S. create a new arms control system for space, thereby limiting the U.S. and giving the Chinese an advantage in anti-satellite weapons; in "Almighty Dollar Less Mighty" he discusses the consequences of a weakening dollar against the euro; in "Conyers and House Corruption" he notes how poorly Nancy Pelosi's rhetoric about ethical government matches the behavior of the new chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

Allan Brownfeld writes, in "Republicans and Conservatives: The Gap Is Growing" that the Bush administration and the Republicans in Congress overspent, over-regulated, and betrayed their principles in pursuit of advancement. Conservatism was not defeated in the November elections, though Republicans were. He writes, in "With Growing Immigration and a Population of More Than 300 Million-It's Time to Fire-up the Melting Pot" that the flood of immigrant should be taught the historic dream of America-that this is a place where a person's race or religion or ethnic origin needn't be a hindrance.

Clifford F. Thies surveys the economic outlook and sees good news in "A Look at the Economic Expansion in Its 63rd Month."

In the first of a four-part series on Ronald Reagan, Paul Kengor discusses what accomplishments have won Reagan high esteem among the public and historians in "Lessons from Reagan for Bush and the War on Terror."

In "Changing Standards and Marriage" John Howard points to a turning point in the disintegration of the institution of marriage.

Dennis T. Avery and Fred Singer reveal that there is no consensus among scientists pointing to human-caused global warming. In "Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years," they discuss their recently published book at an event sponsored by the Hudson Institute.

Harry Neuwirth, in "Electoral College: Worthy Institution?" explains why we have the constitutional system that we do, and why some misguided people want to scrap it.

John D'Aloia cites developments in Ohio and Kansas in the ongoing controversy in "More on Eminent Domain."

Jigs Gardner, in "Writers for Conservatives: 8-- Realism and Reality" describes the ascendancy and exhaustion of the liberal literary culture during the last 100 years, which he characterizes as "a culture of alienation and rebellion, sour, nasty, negative." He questions what will replace the liberal view, and discounts Modern Realism.

In "C. S. Lewis on Moral Education" Gilbert Meilaender uses Lewis' writings to show what the basic principles of morality are, how we come to see these principles, and how we come to guide our lives by them.

Delbert Meyer reviews America Alone, The End of the World as We Know It, by Mark Steyn.

Read 3943 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:41
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