Saturday, 05 December 2015 04:39

Summary August 2011 Featured

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The following is a summary of the August, 2011, issue of The St. Croix Review.

In "Lying About the Debt Ceiling" Barry MacDonald describes the dishonesty in the debate on raising the ceiling, and he suggests a course of action.

In the "Letters to The St. Croix Review," John Ingraham questions whether Mark Hendrickson's view (published in the June issue) of Paul Ryan's budget proposal is too harsh, and Mark Hendrickson responds.

Mark Hendrickson, in "Jefferson Versus Hamilton: The Continuing Contest" writes about the Founding of the nation, and he compares these great Founders; in "Thanks, Pop," he describes the strong, independent character of his father; in "The High-Stakes Showdown Over Medicare Reform," he believes Americans have yet to learn the lesson that huge bureaucracies are inherently inefficient; in "My Congressman's Tough Job," he points out why it's so hard to cut federal spending; in "Swindling America's Youth," he says the young will can never repay all of the federal government's debt and unfunded promises - he considers the consequences; in "The Global Energy Superpower," he reveals the enormous wealth in coal, oil, and natural gas the U.S. has, and the lack of political will to use it; in "Millionaires in America," he outlines two ways of getting rich - through the free market or government connections; in "Who Objects to Free Speech?" he cites recent and historical attacks made on our most basic right.

In "Downgrading America: S&P Declares the Obvious," Fred Kingery writes that the financial markets are prepared punish America's politicians and taxpayers if we do not curb our exploding spending.

Herbert London, in "Environmental Activism," writes that activists successfully use propaganda and intimidation to thwart development of America's plentiful energy resources; in "The Nation's Economic Future" he says political bickering makes another financial collapse more likely; in "The World of Political Discourse Enjoins the Imagination" he shows that politics involves the creation of make-believe metaphors with tenuous connection to truth; in "Fin de Siecle Attitude" he describes the chaotic and disorienting state of American culture; in "Fraud Up and Down the Education System" he believes all levels of education are corrupted.

Allan Brownfeld, in "In Contemporary American Society, Truth Is in Increasingly Short Supply," he cites examples of lying from politics, business, sports, publishing, and more; in "Can a Free Society Endure if It Does Not Teach Its History and Its Values to the Next Generation?" he shows how distressingly ignorant of history American students are, and he blames decisions made by federal and state policy makers; in "European Leaders Are Turning Against Multi-culturalism - a Dilemma Faced by Our Own Society as Well," he says that immigrants should integrate and participate in national traditions.

Paul Kengor, in "Obama's Inalienables," shows the President tampering with the Declaration of Independence; in "Chesterton's Stars & Stripes" he writes that Chesterton foresaw America's role as the bulwark of Christianity; in "This Fourth of July: Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control" he writes about the urgency of instilling virtue in our culture; in "Obama vs. the Bushes: Comparing Costs and Coalitions from Libya to Iraq" he shows how far below standard Obama is; in "Thirty Years Ago: When President Reagan Was Shot" he reveals new details of Reagan's changed perspective and sense of mission as a result of the attack.

In "The Seriousness of Budget Games: How to Play 'Spin the Budget,'" Murray Weidenbaum, who was Ronald Reagan's chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, exposes how politicians hide the enormous amount of money they are spending.

Haven Bradford Gow, in "Morality and Economics," writes that when considering the health of a nation, addressing only economics and politics is inadequate - people need to learn courtesy, kindness, honesty, decency, moral courage, etc.

Tracy Miller, in "Our Health Is Over-insured!" believes that the cost of healthcare would be greatly reduced if each of us paid for routine care ourselves.

In "Persist for Airport Freedom," Joseph Horton believes the indignities suffered during security screenings do not make passengers safer and should not be tolerated.

Durlin and Jenkin, in "Conservative Magazines: A Survey," review The Weekly Standard, National Review, and Commentary that focus on the turmoil in the Middle East; and they highly recommend "Beyond the Welfare State," by Yuval Levin in the spring issue of National Affairs.

In "Versed in Country Things - Invitation to the Simple Life," Jigs Gardner relates his family's transition into country living when he leased a Vermont farm for two years for $270 in 1962. He meets odd people, and learns surprising lessons.

In "Writers for Conservatives: 34 - Daniel Defoe and Verisimilitude," Jigs Gardner discusses Defoe's great gift, as revealed in the "person" of Robinson Crusoe.

Read 4344 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:24
The St. Croix Review

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